Military Recruiting at L-S

1) Two L-S teachers once became national news (NBC Nightly News) when they challenged h.s. military recruiting by making a parody of the slick Army/ National Guard book covers that used to be delivered free of charge and in great quantity to the school library. These parodies were then distributed to students so that propaganda would be balanced by propaganda, in hopes than thinking might be stimulated by the juxtaposition. The parody and other anti-h.s. recruiting activities going on at that time focused on allegations that military recruiters often made false promises to young people about what they would learn, what skills they would acquire, in the military services.

2) For of number of years "way back sometime ago," L-S held a Peace Day each year, an occasion for non-violent peace groups like the Quakers to come out here to recruit. A number of students had pushed for this, as a way to balance Military Day. It lasted for a number of years We had to be one of the very few high schools ever to do that.



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