LSRHS > History & Culture > Trips > New York 'Last Waltz'
Nyssa Patten ...
Did you see the NYC I saw?
I saw cracks in the sidewalk
I saw the heels ahead
I saw reaching out to the different
I saw staircases
I saw rough terrain
I saw big shapes
I saw textures
I saw determination, generosity, and openness
I saw colors
I saw curbs and potholes
I saw caution tape and knee-high chains
I saw lights
I saw gestures and expressions
I saw running away from the different
I saw communication, bonding, and learning
I saw places to sit
I saw ramps, elevators, and tiny bumps
I saw headphone jacks
I saw teaching, sharing, and growing
I saw what couldn't be seen
I saw what isn't seen
I saw what others missed\
-Nyssa Patten